Remove Background

  • What is the Remove Background AI tool
  • I want to remove Background from my photo
  • I want to edit the area of the removed background
  • Erase the removed area
  • Retain the removed area
  • Brush size
  • Softness
  • Opacity
  • How do I move within a zoomed-in image
  • How do I save or discard changes applied

NOTE: The Remove Background AI tool is the PRO tool and you can use it fully if you have subscribed to our premium plan. If you are on the free plan, you won’t be able to download/export the project/image.

What is the Remove Background AI tool?

Remove background AI tool is a magical eraser that lets you delete everything behind the main stuff in your picture. So, with a few clicks, you can make the background disappear, leaving just the people or objects you want to keep.

You will find it located in the Editor on the far left menu called AI:

Open Project/Image -> Click AI-> Click Remove Background

I want to remove the Background from my photo

To remove the background from your image just click the Remove Background button and the tool will automatically apply to your image.

Happy with the results? Then apply the AI Remove background tool to your image by clicking the button on the panel below

Changed your mind and don't want the background to be removed anymore?

You can either click the X button on the panel below:

Or click the "Undo" button

I want to edit the area of the removed background

Do you want to erase some additional areas or remove excessive ones? You can do it by clicking the Edit button.

Now you can either retain the removed area, which is marked with a blue color, or if you retained too much, revert the changes applied.

Retain the removed area

You can easily retain the removed area by clicking the Retain tab on the left panel and just applying the brush to the area of the image, you would like to retain.

After you have finished, just click the button on the left panel to apply the changes you have performed.

Revert the erased area

Retained too much? No worries, just switch to the Revert tab on the left panel, and with the help of the brush just retrieve the erased areas.

Satisfied with the results? Just click the button on the left panel to apply the changes you have performed.

Brush size

You can change the brush size when you apply Retain or Revert operations by changing the Brush size slider value, which is located on the left panel


You can control the Softness of your brush stroke when you apply Retain or Revert operations by changing the Softness slider value, which is located on the left panel.

The higher the value, the softer the brush is applied.


You can control the Opacity of the brush strokes you will apply - just change the value of the Opacity slider, which is located on the left panel.

How do I move within a zoomed-in image?

For a more precise selection of the area you want to remove, simply zoom into the image and move around by holding down the spacebar on your keyboard. Once you've found the perfect spot, proceed with using the tool without losing any of your progress.

How do I save or discard changes applied

Once you've finished removing the background and editing the removed area if necessary, please click the button on the left panel to save your progress.

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